Welcome to Happy Empath Space...

This space is for those who's ultimate goal is to be happy in every life circumstance


From I to I AM

We are born to embark on a solitary journey of self-discovery, shaped by our interactions with others—both human and non-human. This journey is a progression from "I" to "I am". Throughout our lives, amidst numerous highs and lows, we come to understand that - indeed - these fluctuations are not meant to put us down, but to offer the circumstances necessary for us to better comprehend our true selves, including our hidden qualities and core values. They are essential in revealing different facets of the "I", resulting in the formation of multiple "I AM"s. It is through this realization that we understand our purpose: to embrace and live in the intrinsic happiness which exists in every moment.

This is the moment when different "I AM"s return to unite with the single authentic Uni-"I"...

Nature and Meditation

Nature is a source of wonder, joy, and healing...

This series of meditations captures the unique moments found in nature. We encourage you to take a quiet moment, observe the natural motion around you, and let yourself become immersed in the soothing sounds of music that go with it. By doing so, you allow nature to calm and comfort you with its own elements.

When we are in a state of intrinsic happiness, we begin to notice the beauty and wonder that surrounds us, even in the simplest of things.

Dance of Water and Fire

Nature Meditations