
HES offers its signature Happy Empath classes and various levels of Holy Fire III Reiki and Karuna Reiki classes, the service marked by William Lee Rand, the president of the International Center for Reiki Training based in Michigan, USA. 

The signature classes are meticulously designed to empower and transform individuals of all ages, deeply rooted in the philosophy and approach of self-love. At HES, self-love is viewed as a practical approach and set of tools through which participants embark on a journey to rediscover various aspects of the self. This involves understanding, recognizing, allowing, accepting, showing compassion towards, and providing their human body's physical, emotional, and mental needs, enabling them to tap into their highest potentials embedded in their DNA and soul.

Self-love emphasizes the authentic connection of an individual with the self, which may have been neglected or forgotten during the journey of conforming to societal expectations and influences from different cultures and religions. At HES, self-love represents a personal journey back to one's core essence, aiming to dismantle misconceptions of the self, which are trauma-driven, and rewire the authentic understanding and recognition of self, enabling individuals to truly become themselves at the point that they just arrived in this world. Once a person learns to love themselves authentically, they can extend the same love to others.

This concept of self-love at HES goes beyond the idea of "just love yourself", which is often misunderstood as a form of "narcissism". It acknowledges the complexity of self-love and its profound impact on an individual's healthy and balanced view of themselves in harmonious connection with other human and non-human beings and the external cosmic.

In each tailored class that is designed to meet the unique characteristics and needs of specific participant groups, individuals are provided with a holistic and functional perspective on the human body.  Participants unravel their physical, mental, and emotional wounds, delving into their suffering to gain understanding, acceptance, wisdom, and insight, enabling them to grow into genuinely content adults.

The practical tools of self-love empower participants to explore and nurture their being, unlocking the full potential of their existence. Additionally, participants discover the fundamental connection between humanity and the world, harnessing elemental forces for healing and aligning with nature's rhythms. These classes serve as a gateway to mastering energy healing, transcending traditional education to provide transformative experiences that unlock individuals' full potential for profound fulfillment and purpose. 

Drawing from personal insights gleaned through lifelong observation and self-practice, the design of the classes is inspired by the teachings and writings of several ascended master teachers, and renowned individuals. Some of these influential names include Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Christ, S.N. Goenka, Matias De Stefano, Robert Edward Grant, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Ph.D. Bruce H. Lipton, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Mikao Usui, Bevell Brett, William Lee Rand, Maureen J. St. Germain, Jonathan Goldman, Eva Marquez, Thich Nhat Hanh, Richard Rudd, Judith Orloff, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Kyle Gray, Dolores Cannon, Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Robert Bauval, Masami Covey, and Gregg Braden.