Our Philosophy
"Humans are here to be happy"
At Happy Empath Space (HES), we believe that the essence of being human is to experience happiness and lead a life filled with intrinsic joy. This belief is rooted in the understanding that our human form is designed to embrace happiness, and it is the purpose for our existence as humans.
At first glance, this statement may seemed provocative, lacking in depth, and insufficiently explanatory. Some readers may argue that it fails to recognize the harsh reality that many of us endure lives filled with profound suffering and sorrow. Countless individuals are struggling daily, enduring traumas, harassment, poverty, violence, and conflict.
Those circumstances are true, and people who are going through them have lived the experiences quite fully. Without awareness, they become deeply embedded in the experiences that come, particularly in the emotions and vibrations that accompany each one. As a result, they become the experience, and the associated emotions begin to dictate their views of life. They begin to wonder, "Why has this happened to me?" For many, this is where the suffering begins, and life becomes an arena where negative experiences take center stage, turning the human plane into a vehicle of suffering.
What if life is still an arena, and our human plane is the vehicle, with circumstances in life—regardless of how negative or positive they may sound—being just different sorts of experiences aimed at helping us, as humans, generate insights and wisdom, diversify our perceptions of life, and explore our limits and potentials?
This marks the point at which we begin to transform our perceptions of life's circumstances. We become conscious of our proactive role and our ability to shape life experiences, including the emotions they evoke, even when we are faced with challenging situations. At this juncture, we empower ourselves to navigate life's circumstances, understanding their significance and actively choosing the types and intensity of emotions we wish to experience, as well as their duration. This process is primarily aimed at gaining insights and recognizing that we are not inherently bound to these emotions; we can, in fact, transform them into wisdom about our identity and our potential. We embrace life's challenges as opportunities to integrate and transcend them, thereby gaining life wisdom that propels us to create new realities. We emerge as the captains and architects of our lives, no longer mere sailors adrift in stormy seas.
This evolution in perception, however, requires a profound, coherent, and consistent transformation in our mind/thinking, our heart/emotions and feelings, and then our physical body and its expression and actions. It also requires us to shift the focus from being 'other/outsider-centric' to being 'self/insider-centric'. The transformation of both the former and the latter is challenging because we must confront the consequences of having long been shaped by the views of others in the form of common social norms, 'our cultures', 'our religions', moral standards, and familiar ways of living we inherited from our family. While all social norms and standards are sets of guidelines aimed at maintaining certain standards of acceptable behavior for society, they have never encouraged us to be different from others. The truth is, for our genuine transformation to intrinsic happiness to take place, our old selves must metaphorically die for our authentic—or new—selves to be revealed and shine their light.
Certainly, many of us have arrived at a pivotal moment of awareness. Yet, we do not know what to do with the question "how can I return to my true self and make happiness an intrinsic quality?" There are many individuals who have gone through and are going through what we call a "crisis of Self" in their relationships with themselves, with family members, with their partners, with their children, parents, etc., and have had to invest a great deal of resources, money, time, and participate in healing workshops, therapy, counseling, and medical treatments. However, not many of these standardized courses with textbook formulas have delivered the results they had hoped for.
It is a common fact that those one-size-fits-all strategies are often rooted in a simplistic and reductionist perspective that humans can be neatly classified into a handful of categories, with the expectation that adherence to a uniform set of steps will lead to identical outcomes for all. Unfortunately, these costly, standardized methods and approaches have failed to capture the individuality and uniqueness of human experiences. The fundamental truth is that transformation is a deeply personal process that must be self-initiated and self-guided. The optimal approach to transformation is one that is tailored to fit and empowers individuals to draw on their unique history in their journey of change, thereby enabling and supporting authentic self-transformation.
At HES, we embrace this truth. Individual humans must take the lead in their own transformation, and we design tools that embrace individuality and can enable this self-transformation.
We are passionately committed to guiding individuals on their quest for intrinsic happiness, empowering those who refuse to take their human form for granted. We lend strength to those who have chosen to value their uniqueness and become active creators of their own unique human experiences. We serve individuals of all ages who have made a deliberate and strong decision that they possess, and fully assume, the responsibility to master and create a peaceful, joy-filled life for themselves. On the path they have decided to tread, we are honored and cherish the opportunity to accompany them in every small effort, at critical moments, and at life's crossroads, to help make their chosen path easier, clearer, and more nurturing, encouraging.
We view humans as magical instruments for creation, each uniquely interconnected in mind, heart, and body. Our comprehensive approach recognizes that humans are an integration of mind, heart, and body. When we are in a state of harmony between the thoughts of the mind, the emotions of the heart, and the actions of the body, we are in the best state of physical and mental health, ready to act and creatively shape the reality we desire. Similarly, inadequate self-care and unmet needs in any part of our human plane can lead to acute dis-eases in that particular part then in other areas. A prolonged stage of acute dis-eases then can evolve into chronic dis-eases and manifest as permanent conditions in corresponding parts of the body when not given proper care over an extended period of time.
At HES, we accompany individuals on their distinct journey of self-realization, self-acceptance, self-love, self-discovery, and self-transcendence. We understand that the path to healing is deeply personal, and we provide scientifically-backed knowledge and insights into the intricate web of human physical, emotional, and mental dimensions. Our aim is to empower individuals to deeply engage with, comprehend, and embrace the wisdom inherent in their discomforts, using these insights as essential materials for acknowledgment, embrace, merging, and ultimately evolving from their present circumstances.
Our offerings include energy-based healings, as well as practical, distinctive tools, approaches, coaching services, and classes tailored to the unique needs of each individual. These tools are intuitively crafted to honor and align with each person's individuality.
Since 2020, HES and its predecessor, the Tree of Life (informal) group, have provided a nurturing retreat space and relevant assistance to those undergoing life transitions, experiencing emotional and mental distress, dealing with trauma, and facing emotional and mental imbalances. The weekly sessions of free Reiki energy transmission for the community also contribute to improving the mental, emotional, and physical health of many participants.
When you have made the bold decision to become the direct creator of your own reality, and that you deserve a happy, unique, inspiring, and encouraging life of your own, and you seek a reliable companion, let us be the companion with you on the journey to your inner happiness and self-fulfillment.
At HES, we heal those who are with us and assist those who will come to us, fulfilling our commitment to be a guiding light on the path to intrinsic joy.
"HES heals people who are in it and assists those who will come to it"