Strongest Chakra Test (with personal consultation)

Strongest Chakra Test (with personal consultation)

In Vietnamese, the term "luân xa" or "chakra" in English and "cakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel". They are the main energy points or gates in your body. Just as each of us is a harmonious combination of physical, emotional, and mental aspects, the chakras are part of and make up our energy. The chakras are closely related to the function of the nervous system and the main internal organs of the human body, health and balance, and the harmonious connection between different chakras greatly affects the overall physical and mental health conditions of a person. Conversely, food, drinks, exercise, emotions, and thoughts are different forms of "food" corresponding to different aspects of the body that you take in, which will affect your health and your chakras.

This quiz helps you understand the close relationship between the different physical, energy, and frequency aspects of your body reflected in your daily habits, thoughts, and actions. It helps you identify one or more dominant chakras in you, or related chakras, along with tangible qualities that the activity of these chakras creates for you, and the connections between them and how you care for and choose "food" for the different parts of your amazing human machine.

HES hopes you will be interested in taking the quiz, and please share the results with HES if you want further advice on self-care:

Regular price$40.00